Monday, June 07, 2010

Image of the Day


Jaime said...

Hey Zach - I missed the window on your long post below, but I just wanted to say, hey, whatever you've got going is okay. Do your thing, man, I have enjoyed reading your blog for many years and hope you'll keep the material flowing.

You know, you're a lot more prolific than you were some years ago. At the risk of quoting Martha Stewart, that's a good thing.

ZC said...

Thanks, Jaime.

Jaime said...

Oh and Anna Faris in SMILEY FACE. Good call.

ZC said...

When I wrote that essay on Anna Faris, I had not seen Jenny McCarthy in Dirty Love - and I really, really wish that I had. A fascinating, if not quite good, film that completely appeals to my weaknesses for raunchy body humor - and with McCarthy as writer-star, it would have inserted an excellent thread into the discussion of Faris' own uniqueness.